Mujadara is a classic Arabic recipe featuring cooked lentils and rice, caramelized onions, herbs and yogurt. It's a delicious vegetarian main dish! This...
This macaroni salad recipe is creamy but still light, sweet but tangy, and has a wonderful mix of flavor, spice, and texture. And you can make it fast,...
Ree Drummond's oven-roasted asparagus recipe is one of the most ridiculously simple vegetable dishes in existence. Make it for the holidays, or a weeknight...
This amazing homemade meatloaf recipe is tender and juicy with a sweet tangy topping. It's a traditional meatloaf with ground beef, breadcrumbs, onions,...
This delicious Authentic Bolognese Sauce or Ragu alla Bolognese is made with few ingredients and lots of patience. A true Bolognese takes time, but it...
We're cooking up Salisbury Steak with Onions and Gravy. It's one of those traditional Southern comfort food items you'll find on the menu at Mom and Pop...
This amazing baked ziti recipe is lightened up with roasted vegetables. Golden mozzarella, sizzling red sauce and tender pasta make this vegetarian ziti...
The Most Amazing Lasagna Recipe is the best recipe for homemade Italian-style lasagna. The balance between layers of cheese, noodles, and homemade bolognese...
Sunday Pork Roast is an easy to make comfort food that is hearty, filling, and can easily feed the whole family for Sunday dinner. This recipe includes...
This easy roasted vegetable pasta is one of our favorite weeknight dinners. The combination of veggies listed below is excellent, but feel free to swap...
Tender strips of pork glazed with a sticky, sweet, spicy, garlicky, gingery sauce that is as easy as stirring a few things together in a pan, this fast,...
This simple Chicken and Noodles recipe is filled with chicken, noodles, and lots of veggies to create a creamy, comforting, classic dish that the whole... This healthy cold shrimp salad with chives, red onions, celery, a wee bit of mayonnaise, and horseradish is one of my favorite light...
Colombian-Style Arroz con Pollo was one of my favorite recipes growing up. My mom would make it at least once a week for lunch. Rice with chicken is one...
Sweet and tangy, delicious Hawaiian chicken. This chicken is sautéed with peppers and pineapple and a tasty Hawaiian inspired sauce for a perfect weeknight...
Slow cooker tender and delicious with a nice crispy finish! You will love these authentic Mexican pork carnitas! Super easy to make in the slow cooker...
This scratch-made venison stew recipe is easy to make and the deer meat is fall-apart tender. It's packed with veggies and simple ingredients. Gluten free,...
Keep this grilled chicken marinade on hand for easy weeknight cooking. You'll get juicy chicken every time so you never have to worry about dry chicken...